CAPS Application
Contractor CAPS prequalification supplemental information
Contractors interested in competitively bidding on a University of Illinois System project must be prequalified annually in the Contractor Annual Prequalification System (CAPS), which is now a module within the Vendor Services Application (VSA). Contractors can submit prequalifications for any of the University of Illinois System universities and various divisions of work, check on their prequalification statement status, and renew their prequalification statements. If you need to register, use the Vendor Registration link.
Firms who wish to participate in the University of Illinois Chicago CAPS program are required to complete this supplemental form and attach to section 9.4 of the CAPS application.
Once you have submitted the completed application with all accompanying documents, it will be reviewed for completeness. If additional information is required, you will be notified. If you do not respond to the university’s request for additional information within 10 business days of notification, your application will be considered inactive and may require you to begin the process again.
Applications that contain missing or incomplete answers will not be processed.