Bee Campus USA®
The University of Illinois Chicago is the first official Bee Campus USA in the state of Illinois. UIC earned the prestigious recognition from the Xerces Society. A Bee Campus USA committee meets annually to discuss how UIC can earn certification each year including planning events and pollinator habitats, as well as discussing how to integrate a solution to CAIP goal 4.3.1 (Campus Pollinator Habitat Plan) of the UIC Climate Action Implementation Plan by advising the Chancellor's Committee on Sustainability and Energy's Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure subcommittee.
Contact us if you want to learn more about UIC's Bee Campus USA affiliation.
About Bee Campus USA and Bee City USA® Heading link
The Bee Campus USA designation recognizes educational campuses that commit to a set of practices that support pollinators, including bees, butterflies, birds, and bats, among thousands of other species. To learn about how a campus can apply to become a Bee Campus USA affiliate, visit the application webpage.
Bee City USA urges local governments, individuals, organizations, corporations, and communities to promote and establish pollinator–friendly landscapes that are free of pesticides. Since its inception in Asheville, North Carolina in 2012, many cities have been certified across the nation and many others are in the process of preparing applications. To learn about how to join the Bee City USA community, visit the Bee City application webpage.