Teaching and Learning
Get involved with sustainability at UIC
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Courses at UIC

UIC offers a wide variety of courses that include topics related to environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Explore options in your own department and college or elsewhere that will challenge and inspire you. This information is provided as a resource, and decisions about your course of study should be made in consultation with faculty or staff in your academic department and with your academic advisor.
Internship Program

The Sustainability Internship Program (SIP) offers hands-on learning experiences for students that advance the overall mission of greater social, economic and environmental sustainability in the campus community. Open to UIC undergraduate students. UIC faculty and staff can apply to mentor a student in their department.
Teaching Initiative

The Teaching Sustainability Initiative (TSI) is a one-day program that provides faculty from all subject areas with an overview on how to amend and/or create curricula to include sustainability concepts. The workshop explores how sustainability topics can be meaningfully integrated into UIC classrooms and provides faculty with access to a network of experienced instructors who can assist with developing a syllabus and curriculum.
Sustainability Pledge

PSPM strives to advance sustainability on campus through its many initiatives. A truly sustainable campus and world requires the cooperation of all of UIC’s vital stakeholders – students, faculty, staff, higher administration, alumni, and partners – to meet today’s needs. We encourage everyone to sign the UIC Sustainability Pledge to extend UIC’s sustainability goals.
Sustainability Fund

The Sustainability Fund supports small, short-term projects and helps to subsidize larger, long-term projects on campus. Funding requests may be submitted by any current UIC student.