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Strategy 4.0 Data Dashboard

Each solution of the CAIP is measured by a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound) goal. PSPM is responsible for providing guidance and best practices to the staff responsible for implementing the goals, and for tracking progress. Data is collected each fall for for the previous fiscal year (FY) and a report is prepared in early spring. The baseline for the goals is FY2019.

4.1.1: Green Stormwater Infrastructure Implementation Plan Heading link


  • Acquire consultant to measure and verify Green Infrastructure (GI) performance on all campus GI data monitors at the beginning of FY23 on all campus sensors (Lot 1A, Lincoln Hall, Arthington Mall)
  • Apply for two funding awards annually from the MRWD/City of Chicago/other granting agencies to invest in GI installation in all new construction, major renovation, and infrastructure projects.
  • Create an internal PSPM Green Infrastructure Policy by the end of FY23 that mandates the installation of green infrastructure in all new construction, major renovation, and infrastructure projects that reduces stormwater runoff volume by two inches from impervious surfaces, contingent on external funding.

Status: Data Unavailable

4.2.1: Building-level Water Metering Heading link


  • Update 14 buildings with a smart water meter either through Utilities and Energy Services (UES) or the City (with data capture for UIC).

Status: Not On Track

UES is working with the City of Chicago to begin installing smart meters in FY2023.

4.2.2: Manual and Low-flow Fixtures Heading link


  • Replace or repair 157 water closets (toilets) to 1.28 GPF for toilets (or minimum repair to 1.6 GPF)
  • Replace 60 urinals with 1.0 GPF fixtures.
  • Replace or add flow restrictors to 134 lavatories (sink) faucets for a flow of 0.5 GPM (per UIC Plumbing fixtures standard 224000.)

Status: Not on Track

Bathroom retrofits starting in 2022 included new low-flow sinks, urinals, and toilets; however, these fixtures were not replaced at the rates set out by the goal in that year or previous years. We are not on track to meet this goal without additional planning and investment.

4.3.1: Campus Pollinator Habitat Plan Heading link


  • Increase the percentage of campus lands that are managed organically by 10% each year for the next ten years (FY23-FY32); by 20% each year for the following ten years (FY33-FY42); and exponentially increasing until 2050 whereby 100% of campus grounds are managed organically.

Status: Not On Track

The .7 acres of organically-managed land on campus include the Heritage Garden, Little Prairie on the Campus, Nutrition Teaching Garden and Arthington Mall. There is currently no funding dedicated to expand or add to those organically- managed sites. Therefore, we forecast that no additional grounds will be managed organically in the future. Without additional investment and planning, this goal is not on track to be achieved by 2028.

4.3.2: Tree Care Plan Heading link


  • Allocate $145,000 annually to Facilities Management (FM) for proper tree care and maintenance.
  • Create a campus-wide Tree Replacement Policy by the end of FY23 that requires the replacement of all removed trees and provides understory trees for anticipated replacement.
  • Grant ownership of all landscaped UIC property to FM Grounds by the end of FY23.

Status: Not on Track

Current spending on tree care comes from the grounds and parking budgets. The Chancellor’s Council for Sustainability and Energy, Biodiversity, and Green Infrastructure subcommittee has set a goal of a $145,000 budget, which would be set aside from other budgets for consistent and professional tree care. As of June 2022, no campus-level funding has been budgeted explicitly for tree care. Without predictable, dedicated funding, our forecast (light blue bars) is based on the historic tree care spending by the Facilities Maintenance and Parking departments.