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Climate Action Implementation Plan (CAIP)



Seven strategies to help UIC prepare for the future Heading link

The Climate Action Implementation Plan (CAIP) is a refined cost-effective portfolio of solutions that will achieve the carbon neutral university goals of the UIC Climate Commitments by 2028. The CAIP also addresses the zero waste university, net-zero water university, biodiverse university and transformative scholarship university goals via a variety of additional strategic solutions that will be supported, developed, invested in, implemented, and reevaluated on a 5-year incremental basis through 2050.

The CAIP was prepared by Planning, Sustainability and Project Management in conjunction with the Chancellor’s Committee on Sustainability and Energy (CCSE) and published by the Office of the Chancellor and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services.

Strategy 1.0 Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Strategy 2.0 Clean and Renewable Energy Sources

Strategy 3.0 Reduced Transportation-Related Emissions

Strategy 4.0 Natural Systems and Ecosystem Services

Strategy 5.0 Sustainable Materials and Reduced Waste Streams

Strategy 6.0 Education and Research

Strategy 7.0 Climate Resilience

CAIP Annual Progress Report (2021) Heading link


In October 2021, the Assistant Vice Chancellor and Director of Sustainability updated the campus on our progress towards achieving the goals of the CAIP. Click the links below to access the PDF copy of the presentation and a brief narrative. The narrative discusses SMART goals, the CCSE restructuring, and a snapshot of all the CAIP goals and whether UIC is on track to meet those goals or not.

CAIP Portal Heading link

The Data Dashboard that visualizes the SMART goals of the CAIP solutions

Planning, Sustainability and Project Management (PSPM) forms the focal point for coordinating sustainability initiatives on campus by receiving information, tracking data, and assessing progress. This is accomplished through involvement in institutional and programmatic planning, information dissemination, providing guidance, reporting, and acting as a resource on sustainability in higher education.

The Climate Action Implementation Plan (CAIP) is a set of solutions that will achieve the carbon neutral, zero waste, net zero water, biodiverse and transformative scholarship goals of the UIC Climate Commitments. The CAIP will be supported, developed, invested in, implemented and reevaluated on a 5-year incremental basis through 2050, with a midterm goal of 2028.

Each solution of the CAIP is measured by a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound) goal. Data is collected each fall for previous fiscal year (FY) and report prepared in early spring. The baseline for the SMART goals is FY2019.