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Strategy 3.0 Data Dashboard

Each solution of the CAIP is measured by a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound) goal. PSPM is responsible for providing guidance and best practices to the staff responsible for implementing the goals, and for tracking progress. Data is collected each fall for the previous fiscal year (FY) and a report is prepared in early spring. The baseline for the goals is FY2019.

3.1.1: Transportation Demand Management (TDM): Transit Incentives for Faculty and Staff Heading link


  • Achieve a 1.5% year-on-year reduction in SOV commuting by creating more robust campus mobility options from a baseline 35.4% SOV mode share in 2020.

Status: Data Unavailable

While UIC does conduct commuter surveys every three years, survey methodology challenges comparison across years. Future surveys should prioritize consistent methodology.

3.1.1: Transportation Demand Management (TDM) - Bicycle Program Heading link


  • Increase inventory of bicycle parking spaces by 28 each year.
  • Bicycle Advisory Committee meets twice per year
  • Bicycle census completed annually

Status: Not on Track

This forecast (light blue bars) is based on the (lack of) budget and plans for additional bike racks. While we are have achieved our goal of 28 additional bike parking spaces in 2020, 2021, and 2022, continued success will require investment in bike parking and infrastructure.

3.2.1: Fleet Efficiency (Fuel Switch) Heading link


  • 50% of vehicles replaced annually will be alternative-fuel powered, with 10% of these being electric vehicles (EV).

Status: Not on Track

Despite early success, UIC has not met this goal since 2018. Of the twelve vehicles purchased in that period, only 4 (33%) run on alternative fuels and none are electric.

3.2.2: Air Carbon Travel Offset Program Heading link


  • Present at least one program from another public university for the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services (OVCAS) to share with the CVC.

Status: Data Unavailable

3.2.3: Travel Between Campuses Heading link


  • Decrease percent of UIC cross-campus drivers who use SOV from 33% (personal and departmental vehicles combined) by 2% per year.
  • Promote UI Ride three times per year.

Status: Data Unavailable