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CCAP 2024 Initial Recommendations

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UIC is updating its 2018 Climate Action Implementation Plan (“CAIP”). The updated Climate Commitment Action Plan 2024 (CCAP 2024) will provide a roadmap for  the university to meet the goals of each of its five Climate Commitments . It will also support the university’s overarching goal of achieving a STARS Gold Rating from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.

UIC’s Climate Commitments are designed to become a:

  1. Carbon neutral university:  Achieve carbon neutrality at UIC
  2. Zero waste university: Divert 90% of all possible landfill-bound materials
  3. Net zero water university: Use the same amount of water as natural rainfall
  4. Biodiverse university: Create a landscape that supports a variety of life
  5. Transformative scholarship university: Promote the study of sustainability at UIC

Planning, Sustainability, and Project Management (PSPM) has worked closely with the Chancellor’s Committee on Sustainability and Energy (CCSE) to develop initial recommendations for inclusion in CCAP 2024. PSPM wants to hear from the UIC community on which recommendations to keep, revise or remove.

Please review the high-level recommendation summaries and provide feedback using the button below. Please note these are initial recommendations and additional details will be refined as UIC completes the CCAP 2024 planning and design process.

Please submit feedback by April 1.

If you have questions or need more information about the initial recommendations, please email


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Carbon Neutral

UIC will strive to achieve carbon neutrality with net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by reducing and offsetting emissions related to operations and travel.

Zero Waste

UIC should seek to achieve a 90% diversion rate of landfill-bound material through techniques such as source reduction, materials reuse, recycling and composting. A 90% diversion rate is the generally accepted metric for “zero waste.”

Net Zero Water

UIC is committed to being a net zero water university by reducing total water consumption, maximizing the proportion of non-potable water for campus water use and reducing the volume, rate, and pollutant load of stormwater runoff.


UIC will create a resilient campus landscape that supports a variety of life including plants, insects, animals and people.

Transformative Scholarship

UIC will create meaningful interdisciplinary and sustainability-focused learning and research opportunities for its students.